The German Candle

Have a White Christmas
I heard the Aryans say
But children of all colors
Will wake up on this day
I couldn’t understand
The Blessings given to me
If all the kids who prayed for gifts
Found nothing under their tree
I remember all the snow
I’d find on Christmas morning
But people across the World
Should have heeded the Nazi’s warning
So light a German Candle
Cuz Hitler’s still alive
The hate & propaganda
Has managed to survive
Children & animals
All just want to play
Would rather blow they away
So light a German Candle
As each one goes down
But play the volume up
So their screams can surround
I remember a Nation coming closer
And Hate almost closed it doors
As a boy named Jimi Hendrix
Played the Star Spangled banner with his guitar
It really was quite beautiful
A black kid leading the way
I suddenly was aware
That color was NOT the way
So I lit my German Candle
And watched the wax melt away
I saw my Aryan race
In a different light that day
I only wanted to laugh & dance
With someone who understood
But I knew didn’t matter
Most people are no good
So I remember my German Candle
So tall & so White
I heard a MILLION voices
Telling me to “fight.”
A million white fists
Raised a Salute to their young
And as I heard the others panick
I knew that Hate had won
So I Prayed to the German Candle
To please just melt away
But I couldn’t erase or even face
The sadness I felt that day
And again I heard a MILLION voices
Suddenly sounding like thunder
But even a Nazi can change
Before it all comes asunder
But childhood tries to remind me
Nothing will ever change
I am the “German solution to human pollution”
But now this seems so strange
That damn German Candle
I can still see it burning
Yet it seemed brand new each day
Its energy still yearning
All the dolls that I’ve broken
And all the promises that were made
But nothing gives me rest
I just can’t find any shade
Once again, I heard a MILLION voices
And sounds of combat boots
The goose stepping soldiers searching
As I saw my people SALUTE
Can’t all this just now stop?
Why can’t everyone just remember
I stared at my Nazi clock
It had stopped on December
So have a White Christmas
I was told again that day
That mother fucking candle
Would just not go away
I remember the sounds of bullets
As I dropped them into their chamber
I put the gun to my head
But I was aiming at a black stranger
Then I remembered Jimi Hendrix
And how beautiful he used to play
Sorry mom & grandpa
But I just can’t blow him away
So I’m glad the bullet found it’s way to my brain
Cause I guess a Nazi can never change
I died in only seconds
But my spirit still lives on
But my neighbors will remember
I looked like Eva Braun
That’s all that really matters
It should’nt have any color
Blood is all the same stain
Each time it spatters
Will someone cover that German Candle?
Why are you still KILLING?
And singing that Christmas song?
There is NO snow in Los Angeles
God – I’m glad I’m gone
So death still Marches on
I guess that’s what I’m saying
Wish we could burry our guns
And spend more time Praying
There should be NO government
Nor any religion
We should just burn one single candle
And hope we’re ALL FORGIVEN …

I know life would be more fun
If I could just give that rabbit my gun …

dedicated to
who die each & every day in the name

more ...

May all who are made to suffer find haven here.

Through Bambi's Eyes
Dedicated to all the Bambis who suffer inside the animal researcher's dungeons of hell.

Blessings To The Mare
A profound blessing sung for all beasts burdened by humans.

Tupac's Legend
A work about rapper/activist Tupac Shakur.

From The Grave
A chilling encounter with a childhood doll - or is it?

A fascinating look at what may be human destiny.

Another Bloody Day
A poem about the Canadian seal slaughter.

Dead and Buried
A song about being strong in the face of adversity.

A poignant depiction of the misery abused dogs face.

In God's House
A song filled with hope and rejoicing for that home so many long for.

God Is Far Away
A poem about God, the Devil and you.

15 Crosses
A dedication to all who died at Columbine.

Feels Like Winter
A moving work about one of the most beautiful creations God has ever made.

Baby's Window
Dedicated to 7 year old Lisa Steinberg beaten to death by her adoptive father ... so we never forget.

When the dog bites back
Dedicated to eric & dylan & all who are bullied throughout their lives while others stand idly by.

And A Church Bell Cried
Ask not for whom the bell tolls for it can only cry.

honey sheperd

on oct 26, 2006
county coroner revealed
honey sheperd had died ...
but angels don't
they just go to help
'karma turn the tide'.