From The Grave

can I play with this doll?
shes my only friend, you see
when you close my door at night
she always talks to me
she said, some will call it madness
so I asked her why
she said, its really just my sadness
she told me
lifes no pleasure game
many worries, tears & pain
there is no colored rainbow
just sheets of solid rain
will I die young?
i wanted to know
only if youre lucky
will it be your time to go
she tells me all these stories
of her past lives & glory
at first I was afraid
now shes my only shade
she really seems to like me
even though Im lonely
no friends for me to play
no strong arms to hold me
God I hope she stays
im teaching her to pray
but I think shed rather play
it seems we sleep all day
she said she loves to dance
but laughs at true romance
guess I cant place any blame
when youre damaged
its such a shame
she said, dont fall too fast for love
it always has its price
love comes & it goes
just like a case of lice
childhood is fleeting
dying if competing
death is the only solution
when youre surrounded by pollution
she said, beautiful girl
much too good for this world
dont just wait to be rescued
they always abandon girls
and this may be your last day
no soldiers marching your way
i asked her
when He beckons me
who should I call?
who can I save?
she said, cant take many with you
its a very small Grave
but I dont understand
why is there war & death?
why do some just watch?
as you fight for your last breath?
she said, dont have many answers
but lots of painful questions
but my head some times it hurts
some things I forget to mention
i asked her to stay one more night
cause the dark it makes me afraid
she smiled the Reapers Grin
remember, she said
youre sheltered in your Grave
i asked will God be there?
will He take me by the hand?
She shook her wooden head
there is no promised land
so remember this tomorrow morning
my visit is your only warning
this IS the devils playground
but its the ONLY one that Ive found
but youre just a doll!
how do you know these things?
youre just a plastic puppet
without the dancing strings!
She said, thats just what you believe
cause if you knew who I was
youd see scars under my sleeves
there are so many sad souls
and not enough Graves to go
no one will remember you
even though you prayed
theres only dirt & maggots
waiting in your Grave
im so sorry, I told her
youve really been through HELL
i promise to think of you
when I hear the Church Bells
she said, dont waste your time
my cards have already been played
ill rest so much better
when I return to my Grave
but Ill really miss you
what will I do?
she said, youre not really alone
cadavers will be there too
the only true Salvation
written in the Revelations
is a road that is not paved
but its dark, quiet & peaceful

more ...

May all who are made to suffer find haven here.

Through Bambi's Eyes
Dedicated to all the Bambis who suffer inside the animal researcher's dungeons of hell.

Blessings To The Mare
A profound blessing sung for all beasts burdened by humans.

Tupac's Legend
A work about rapper/activist Tupac Shakur.

A fascinating look at what may be human destiny.

Another Bloody Day
A poem about the Canadian seal slaughter.

Dead and Buried
A song about being strong in the face of adversity.

A poignant depiction of the misery abused dogs face.

In God's House
A song filled with hope and rejoicing for that home so many long for.

God Is Far Away
A poem about God, the Devil and you.

15 Crosses
A dedication to all who died at Columbine.

Feels Like Winter
A moving work about one of the most beautiful creations God has ever made.

Baby's Window
Dedicated to 7 year old Lisa Steinberg beaten to death by her adoptive father ... so we never forget.

When the dog bites back
Dedicated to eric & dylan & all who are bullied throughout their lives while others stand idly by.

And A Church Bell Cried
Ask not for whom the bell tolls for it can only cry.

The German Candle
dedicated to all children and animals who die every day in the name OF God & Country

honey sheperd

on oct 26, 2006
county coroner revealed
honey sheperd had died ...
but angels don't
they just go to help
'karma turn the tide'.