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Animal Defence and Anti-Vivisection Society

TheAnimal Defense & Anti-Vivisection Society of British Columbia (ADAV), established by a veterinary surgeon in 1927, is a peaceful, grassroots organization committed to the abolition of vivisection on moral, ethical and scientific grounds. The ADAV Society strives to inform the public of the grim realities faced by animals used in experiments, promote the use of superior and more humane non-animal alternatives, and alert the public to the proven invalidity of basing human medicine and toxicology on other species.

Animal Justice

Animal Justice is in our opinion the best thing that's happened to animal rights in Canada! They are making sure that animals have a legal voice with a team of lawyers and advocates.

Animal Liberation

The classic which is considered to be the beginning of animal liberation.

Animal Rights and Wrongs

For centuries people have exploited, mutilated and abused animals in countless ways, oblivious of animal's sentience. Today a new movement rising is questioning societies use and abuse of non-human animals. The animal righton movement states that animal have a right to swim if they have fins, fly if they have wings, and run if they have feet. From killing animals for experimentation or for food, using them to do silly tricks, putting them on display, or hunting them for fun and alleged sport, animals bear the brunt of society's violence.


This page is presently in construction. This is the comprehensive ARVEG FAQ produced by KG which covers just about every imaginable attack against animal rights and vegan stances. It provides factual, effective and occasionally amusing responses provided. (Some additions and modifications have been made from the earlier version and the original due to broken 20+ yr links as well as new material.) In the TOC, "->" indicates there is more to the question than could be fitted and can be viewed by clicking on the link.

David Sztybel

Dr. David Sztybel chose to specialize in animal rights as a philosopher at a time when the movement was in its growing stages. His work has been powerful and influential as his site will show: Dr. David Sztybel There is substantial material for the general public as well as academia. Additionally, you'll find links to media appearances and talks. (Be sure to also check out his blog that is linked at the bottom of each page on his website.

Environmental Racism

"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." (Columbo 685) The powerful words of The Declaration of Independence were announced some two hundred years ago, yet this country still toils with the problem of racial discrimination. Racism comes in many forms such as employment, wages, housing etc.

Fifth Column Veganism?

No one is perfect. Everyone is open to criticism. Any individual or group can be examined and criticized where appropriate and fair. The misery and death perpetrated against nonhuman animals is an unfathomable catastrophic hell, and one should seek to improve the lives of victims whenever possible while pursuing an end to the practices. This is what we would do with a human rights situation and nonhumans deserve no less.

Human Exceptionalism

Human Exceptionalism is the latest term to buzz around to describe the phenomenon of human supremacy. It is a clever term I would say, as it doesn't have the bigot aura that supremacist carries. But in essence it means the same thing even if its users deny it. Exceptionalism suggests uniqueness. Many animal righton arguments seek to downplay human uniqueness and trivialize it in order to boost the moral position of nonhumans.

Jonathan Balcombe

Jonathan Balcombe holds three biology degrees and specializes in the study of ethology with a PhD in this area of study. A leading animal behavior researcher he is also an author and speaker. Below are excerpts from Alexandra's excellent article about Jonathan: "It's easy to come away with a sense that it's a hard-struggled life out there, but it's a life worth living," observes Dr. Balcombe. He has found that many species share related physiologies and behavior patterns as humans, and are thus able to feel such emotions as pain, pleasure, and passion.

Marc Bekoff

Marc Bekoff is Professor Emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. An internationally prominent lecturer on animal behavior, cognitive ethology and behavioral ecology, Marc has contributed immensely to these fields via original papers, books and even videos. Additionally, he was a competitive cyclist winning the Tour du Haut Var for his age group in 1986! This is a link to his website. Links Organizations Awards Videos Books Selected blog post titles from Psychology Today Papers (with abstracts) Links Wikipedia: Marc Bekoff

Martial Arts and Animal Liberation

Preface I think that there is a lot to be said in terms of how martial arts philosophy applies to life in general, and in regards to the animal righton movement it is especially pertinent and beneficial. Many martial arts, such as Okinawan Karate and Capoeira, were developed and practiced so that oppressed people would have a means of defending themselves in lieu of access to arms. Others, such as Tanglang Quan and Aikido, were designed with the explicit intention of giving a smaller or otherwise physically disadvantaged combatant an advantage over larger and stronger adversaries, and even greater numbers of adversaries.

Negative Preference Morality

The Golden Rule is the only moral principle that grounds itself in objective observation. The primary three systems of normative ethics: deontology, consequentialism, and virtue ethics, all share the common failure to conclusively answer the question "Why should I care?" when they make claims of how individuals ought to behave. The Golden Rule, however, does not even ask that we care about the principle at all, it simply explains that when we act in a manner toward others that is inconsistent with how we would like to be treated, then we are being hypocritical and unfair.

Progressive Non-Animal Research Society

Scientists now have sophisticated, human-appropos methodologies for studying diseases such as advanced computer-modeling techniques micro-dosing stem cell-derived organoids 3D printing manifold emerging approaches Advances in technology allow us finding ways to improve health care without inflicting harm on animals. The Progressive Non-Animal Research Society (PNARS) is an excellent and comprehensive resource for the biomedical community. It provides leading edge breakthroughs in technologies and treatments. Recent Updates: PNARS Report: Environmental Impacts of Animal Experimentation

The Common Sense Animal Rights Argument

The foundation of the ethical arguments used to defend vivisection, the meat industry, and other forms of exploitation protested by animal righton campaigners is the belief in human supremacy. It is generally taken for granted by both sides of the issue and left unchallenged. Advocates would discover they can make a stronger case if they relied less on the three S words (suffering, sentience and speciesism), and more on common sense, clear language and a frontal assault on human pride.

The Gift

Let us give a gift to the world, a gift of joy and boundless peace. Just for a moment, let us see through the eyes of those, so much weaker than us, who suffer: An infant prisoner, the veal calf, crying in darkness for the mother he has never known, her milk collected for "higher" appetites. The egg-layer huddling painfully in cramped confinement, destined never to know the joy of sheltering chicks

The Myth of the American Dream

Success is what the American Dream is all about. Many people are motivated by the promise of a better life, hence they chase dollar bills all their lives in the hopes of living out the American Dream - a fantasy which only money can buy. The American economic system is designed to meet the needs of the upper class, as it ignores problems of ethnic minorities. The American Dream is a fantasy that has not come true for the millions that are toiling in the system hoping to get a piece of the wealth which America so liberally shares with its rich upper class.

The Supremacy Myth Animal Rights Argument

All arguments are not created equal. There are differences in their intent and the degree to which they impact an audience's psyche. If you wish to make the strongest case for justice and respect towards nonhuman beings, then destroying human arrogance is crucial and human nature is your greatest ally in the cause. Why is it acceptable to routinely treat nonhumans in ways that would be considered atrocities if done to the most hated criminals?

Whales and Turkeys a Personal Observation

I was encouraged by a recent editorial denouncing whaling as cruel. I have also read that 70% of Canadians agree, including such local public figures as Reform MP, Gary Lunn. I wondered, though, if there is an inconsistency with the fact that most of us eat animals regularly. My first thought was that whales are killed in a cruel way, but that animals are raised for food in a humane manner.